Thursday, May 21, 2009

The machinations of a new age frankenstein

I am a staunch believer in the practice of longitudinal studies where the same question elicits varied responses, the variable being the age of the protagonist. The question I am talking about is,"What is the worst feeling in the world?".

At some point of time, it was being beaten up by bullies in the playground; the taste of dirt and blood in the mouth which tasted so much better than the humiliation. A little later along the study it was emotional blackmail at home given pathetic performances at the altar of academics. A little more down the line, the feeling of failure at being rejected by institutions of learning so pathetic that one had to transgress rice fields to get to them. We then had a fair but foolish entity spurn well minded advice, and most recently willingly lose what I believed would have been the greatest prize of a man.

Frankenstein recently managed to portray one emotion he never wished to induce in Victor. The feeling of fear when Victor looked at Frankenstein. The monster always managed to hide behind walls which screamed,"Twas the upbringing you see, not me" but walls melt when the only thing you have to hide from is your own love for Victor. The point of time when the monster realized that, it wanted to give Victor everything that was possible relating both to the heart & the wallet; synchronizes perfectly with Victor being scared of its vicinity.

It was this happening that made the tissue underneath the green horns reminisce and realise.... The toughest wars are those that one fights with himself.